Friday, August 27, 2010

To Save A Life - Awesome Movie!

Movies that touch your heart are sometimes easy to find, but ones that touch the entire family are not so easy. This was a movie that touched each of us. We give it our five star approval. We were brought in to the pain of the tragic loss of a young man who committed suicide and the struggle his best friend has to move on. While this young man is on his journey, he realizes that he could have done more and it changes him forever. It moves his heart to really "see" lives of other young people who are around him, struggling with their own doubts in who they are and in their own significance. He is changed forever in what transpires in the movie. What is more important is that the movie is not just there for fun, but to help get the word out so students don't get treated badly at school or don't get ignored just because they are not popular. They also have a website to offer online help at (Check it out especially if you know someone who needs you to be there for them.

We all need to "see" those who are around us and not be afraid to reach out and make a difference.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Words of Light

Psalm 119:130 "The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand."

I was reading in the book of Psalms and came across this verse. It is such a short verse, but it speaks volumns. Verse 135 says, "Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil."

These two verse talk of how God's Word gives us guidance. It gives "light" when our way is not clear. It "guides our steps", so we can make it through times of difficulty where we might be drawn to evil. Instead, God's Word shows us the way to go, so we can stay clear of the trap that evil would bring into our lives.

I love the picture of "the Word giving Light" when I open my Bible each day. I look to what it says to help my heart stay at peace, even when circumstances around me might seem out of control. I am thankful I can turn to One who has the wisdom I do not. I am glad to have a "road map" to lead my heart to an understanding of the One who guards my life. I am thankful that He has shown me the way to get to know Him more fully.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Abiding In His Love

John 15:4-5 "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."... Wow! What a challenge this is for us.

John 15 is one of my favorite passages. It has so much in it - that I encourage you to read the entire chapter. It is one that grabs my heart and challenges me daily to make time to "abide".
ABIDE means: To wait, to endure without yielding, to bear patiently, to accept without objection, to remain stable or fixed in a state, to continue in a place. Synonyms: Stay, continue, bear. ABIDING: enduring, continuing.
In this passage abiding has to do with being - not in doing. It is not the things that we do that are the essence of abiding, but it has more to do with our relationship with Christ. The things we do in our Christian walk, like reading scripture, praying, sharing our faith, etc... is hopefully the outcome of a relationship with Jesus that understands what it means to really "abide" in Him. Yet, they are not the essence of what abiding is... Abiding is when we open our heart and life to allow time to remain in His presence. We can use Bible reading and prayer to help prepare our hearts to "be" in the place of abiding, but it is when we stop our efforts and really yield ourselves to Him in relationship where true abiding begins. As a branch is graphed into the vine to gain its sustenance, so we must have our lives graphed into Jesus to draw our sustenance from His life. He awaits our giving Him space/time in our day so He can share Himself with us. He is not distant from us - but rather scripture says He gave us His Holy Spirit to indwell us. This is the life blood of our connection to Jesus. We gain understanding into His heart and become more acute to hearing His voice speaking to us... when we give Him time in a place of stillness - abiding. This is not a time of our agenda, but a time of our surrender to Him. Waiting expectantly - relating joyously - deeply.
This chapter goes on to tell us that this place is a place of love. Jesus extends to us the same love that He received from the Father. The place we abide in is the place of His love. John 15: 9-11 states, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." Jesus told all of this to fill our hearts with joy! It excites me to know that His love is there for me. I love coming to Him and allowing Him to pour His love into my heart and life. I so desire for this to be the outflow of my life... which these scriptures promise will produce fruit. It is fruit that will come out of being nourished in love.
Don't neglect that place of abiding love... He is there for you each day. Take time to abide no matter where you are this summer.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Lost Ring

My oldest daughter moved downstairs some months back. Somehow during the move she misplaced a ring that meant a lot to her. I saw where she was putting it and told her I thought it was not a good spot, as it would not be where she would look later. It was a ring that she got at SonShine last summer. It carried some sentiment of what Jesus had done in her heart. The ring lettering was the Greek word for the highest form of love, Agape. She had really been touched by the meaning of the word at camp that summer. They had done an Agape meal for the youth, and she had been deeply touched. Agape means unconditional, active divine love. It reminds her of God's love for her.

I was reading Luke 15:8-10 and came across the woman who lost a coin in her home. Jesus tells this short parable, reflecting how the woman "lights a lamp, sweeps the house and searches carefully until she finds it." Then when she does, she calls her friends and neighbors together and asks them to celebrate with her, as she has found her lost coin. Let's all see ourselves as "sent ones" this summer, going out to find "lost coins!”
Back to the “lost ring saga.” My daughter had searched many times through every nook in her room. She felt saddened that she was unable to find the ring. Off and on she would pursue looking, but to no avail. I could tell it really bothered her, as it was a special reminder of the Lord's love for her. Finally, I offered to take a look, promising to be very careful to put everything back where I found it. I went through everything one afternoon. (She is not one who keeps a lot of junk!) I did not find it, but in my heart I could feel the persistence of the Lord's leading to keep trying. Finally, I did what I should have done every step of my journey. I stopped and gave up my efforts to find the ring. I asked the Lord to lead me to find what was beyond me. All of a sudden, I felt His sweet prompting in my heart. I opened her desk drawer (which I had already done three times) and felt prompted to look through her stationary. There, in the middle of the little pile, was a small plastic bag which had in it the maker’s card and THE RING!!! Wow! I was so happy, I ran upstairs to show her and a moment of rejoicing rang out in our house!
Back to Luke 15, as I ponder the woman. Jesus goes on to make His point. He says, "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Another moment of reflection hits my heart, as I think of the opportunities I have had to share Jesus with those around me or to show His love. I remember the time we purchased a pretty gift box to put my mother's gift in for her birthday. (The pretty box was on sale for only $2.) In the checkout, one of our favorite gals was the clerk. She commented on the pretty box and how she would love to get one for her mother. I mentioned there was only one left. She said she hoped it would still be there when she got paid two days later. We finished at checkout and swung back into the store. What for? We went to purchase the other box! As we went through the checkout again, the gal looked a bit confused and said she already charged us for the box. We smiled and told her it was for her, and we wished her a very blessed week. It was all we had to say, but we left feeling we had deposited His love in her heart.
Our family loves these moments of touching lives together. I hope you will find some opportunities yourself. Finding my daughter’s ring was awesome, but seeing someone find Jesus’ love reaches way beyond any words I could find.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cup of Water

Thoughts of summer fill my family’s thoughts this time of year. My girls are counting the days until school gets out. Yet, in my heart I look at summer as an opportunity to touch other people's lives. Up north there is definitely more "people movement" once the weather gets sunny.

I was reading John 4 the other day, reflecting on Jesus' journey into Samaria. Several thoughts filled my heart as I read. Jesus was traveling, much like many of us will this summer, and he went

through a town of people that were truly despised by the Jews. (I know from reading the Word that Jesus had a habit of only doing what the Father led Him to do, so this is not a mistake.) I believe it was no mistake either, that He sat down by the well outside the city and sent the disciples on to buy food. He paused to do His Father's will. He was about to reach out to someone that "society" said was at the bottom of the rung in status, someone that most people would cross to the other side of the street to avoid. Jesus had a higher purpose! He came to reach out to the lost (those who did not know Him yet).

Out came the Samaritan Woman and Jesus asked her for water. What a simple request, yet it opens a huge dialogue of conversation between them. He goes on to become the one who is offering "Water" (Living Water). He is offering her the water that He gives so the drinker of that water will never thirst again. He is presenting himself to her as the "Savior of the world." (See v. 42) The end result is the town comes to this realization, something that even the Jews did not understand. What an incredible opportunity, and Jesus knew it.

As you get ready to journey this summer, ask the Father to lead you as you go. Pray by yourself or with your family for opportunities to share the "Living Water" of Jesus’ love in your own lives. It will be the best part of your vacation if you do. Enjoy your journey! I look forward to hearing from you. Be sure to email us when you get back!

A Timely Word

Three weeks ago John Velsor spoke at our church. He was following Pastor Doug's series, called "The Game of Life". He talked about how Milton Bradley did not include many things in his game, like loosing your job, facing sickness, losing a parent, and on the list goes. He refered to John 16:33 (New International Version) "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Jesus was directing to the people that were there listening. We don't alway have peace when we go through hard times, but Jesus promised to give us peace.

John Velsor gave a definition of worry. Worry meaning to coak out life, to strangle. It also means tug-of-war. (John talked about how our fears pull us away from hope.)

He mentioned how in 2 Cor. 1:8 it says, "In fact we expected to die." In 2 Cor. 4:8 they were perplexed (meaning left wanting, embarassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to go). in Phil. 4:4 they rejoiced, acknowledging how God is. How wonderful to put our focus in the right place! A wonderful Savior who never changes. In the verses following there are some steps we can take.

John shared some things to do when we go through hard times:
1. Develope a praising heart. Our praise should not be determined by our circumstances. In Proverbs God promised to make our paths straight. We can ask Him to reign in our lives & circumstances.
2. Develope a habit of humility.  (v.5) He guotd, "You know how spiritual you are by the way you accept correction from the person you respect the least."
3. Refuse anxiety and develope peace. We need to guard our heart & our mind and keep them on the same page. Most of the time we are worrying over things we have no control over. God promised to give us peace that passes all understanding. We need to keep our hearts focused on Him.

How wonderful it was to hear John's sermon, especially on the first Sunday after Jeff had just been laid off. It helped us both focus! We are trying to follow his words and keep our hearts & minds in line - keeping God's peace in our hearts. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Seed Planters - not Seed Substitutes

I want to be a "seed planter"! I am not interested in substitutes.

I have been reading Neil Cole's book "Organic Church". Neil Cole talks of how if we sow the Word of God, we will reap the Kingdom of God." He focuses us on the fact that it is God's Word that changes lives. He talks about how we give people messages about the seed - but that it is a seed substitute.

Yesterday I read how if we focus on "preparing the soil" and trying to "help the seed to grow" (something only God can do), we miss the basics and what we harvest will be a field of MUD! LOL!!! I want more than a harvest of mud! I also want to be sure to give people true seed. I believe that people can hear the Word of God - dig in to it and find it is alive and will impacts their lives. God's Word changed lives!

Neil Cole goes on to say that Jesus' parable in Mark 4 talks about sowing seed abundant, indiscriminant of where it lands. "To see the life of the Kingdom germinate, grow and bear fruit, God's Word must be received abundantly and it must penetrate deeply into our souls. If you do not plant the seed, you will not grow the life and see the fruit. It is that simple."

Neil further qualifies this by saying, "understand that it is not religious reading of the Bible that is important, but hearing God's voice. The Scriptures are alive with God's voice, and the Holy Spirit in us is a special anointing that gives each of us direct access to God's heart every time we open the Word." What a challenge - to take the opportunity to access God's heart. It makes me want to jump up and dig in to scripture! I also makes me want to "sow seeds" by sharing how God's Word has impacted my heart and life. It challenges me want to get fresh seed ready to share with others! 

How is your seed sowing? Are you being satisfied with substitute seed? What kind of harvest do you want?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Plant Seeds - Seeking more than mud!

Gal. 6:7 "Whatever a man sows that he will also reap." Neil Cole makes the point in his book "Organic Church" that in order to reap a harvest, we have to plant seeds. If you sow nothing, you reap least nothing but mud. It is that simple. If you sow the Word of God, you will reap the Kingdom of God."  It makes me stop and thing and evaluate my week. What all have I been sowing. How would you answer this question, what have you sown this week? If all we are sowing is just our hard work, but not work that comes out of making Jesus the center of our work... what will we reap? Is the body negligant in keeping Jesus at the center of our efforts? Are we really seeking Him for the opportunities to sow seeds into the lives around us? Are we missiing the "open door" into the fields of lives we touch each day.

I am not refering to hard "old style" evangelism. I see sowing as planting the next seed in someone's heart and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead that same person to another "sower". I remember a dream I had about a Sower that continues to impact my thinking. There were a lot of old farmers content to stay in the "farm house", but were no longer in the business of planting seeds. They seemed to enjoy their connection to other farmers who were now also sitting down - but not sowing. Then there was a sower, who did not relent to stop... but kept on sowing. Up behind him came a wonderful golden harvest... I found myself desiring to follow in his footsteps. I want to be an "Organic Sower"... seeking an "Organic Harvest". Join me - sow some seeds.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spirare Christos - "Breathe Christ"...

Why this? In a moment of defining who we desire to be - it came in a simple phrase, "One who breathes Christ." His essence in, His life in - into the core of who we are - no closed doors, no hidden agenda. Simply one who is connected to the understanding of complete dependance through total abandoned - knowing every breathe comes from Him and is for Him.

Then it is one who after breathing IN - breathes OUT... His life, His essence into the world around them. Who has as a core desire the quest to be "poured out" for Him in service & love to those we touch in our daily lives.

I am one desiring to BREATHE CHRIST moment by moment - to touch the world one life at at time!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Evening of Pondering

I have spent the last few days on a quest to understand a new trend. It is a trend that young teenagers are getting in to more these days. It is "cutting". I have been asked why young people would want to do this to themselves, and I have found myself seeking the Lord for answers. I read about the sadness that fills the hearts & lives of young people. I read how it is a "temporary" release to the pent up feelings. I hear how my daughters have fb friends who have tried it or gotten caught in it. Questions fill my heart and I ask, how do we reach out? How does one touch the lives of ones who are hurting? In the midst of these times of soul searching and listening in the quiet for answers, I am reading a book called "Jesus Loves You, this I know" by two guys who have gone beyond the ordinary to show an empty world that there is unconditional love out there. It does not come with a list of does and don'ts or a list of "how to join the club". Rather, they found unconventional ways to go the extra mile. To do the extra-ordinary to touch loves with Jesus' love. I pause and look deep into my own live, my past, my experiences and long for ... those "connecting points" to be one who shares a moment with a stranger, who finds a new friend a long the way, who walks alongside the one who is hurting and lonely... Thoughts... Prayers... Waiting...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pray St Cloud

40 Days of Prayer for the city starts this evening. There website is at Friends of ours have been involved in organizing this event. Their lives were deeply touched after visiting IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Kansas. IHOP has been experiencing an extended time of the Lord's visitation. You can check them out 24 hours a day at via the web. Awesome testimonies are being shared and I trust the Lord will begin to touch hearts and lives here as well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Moments from the Heartwood

Here we are - away in the woods. Here seeking the Lord for His heart & direction for this year. We took time to worship together & have devotions. The harmonies were good, the worship rose up and I was thankful to be part of seeing that the Lord answered incredibly and a piece of last years vision has been realized. The prescense of the Lord was present & our hearts were being touched. We had paused, turned to Him and He met us.

We are worshipping ...but also....encountering the grace of God with us, involved with us. Preparing our hearts for tomorrow and for "a night of rest". We found ourselves taking a moment to reflect on His word - Eph. 3:20-21 is shared. We talk of how to Stand. Strengthen. Serve. We find pieces of scripture touching our hearts. Yet, we pause - breathe and prepare our hearts even more to listen and move forward once again.

Off we go to rest... thankful for the Lord's goodness. Thankful for the friends He gives us. Thankful for the "fellowship"!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Reflections

We had a group gathering last night. It had been awhile since we were all together. Even with the bad weather, our friends came. We gathered to share our lives and to encourage each other. Several of us had experienced tough weeks. The sharing happened and the burdens got lighter. We shared more over supper, some great enchilladas, sloopy joes, veggies, popcorn and other things: we each had brought something to share. We laughed, talked and enjoyed true friendship. A group gathered over lifetime experiences, but also around a deeper understanding that we all share. We came together to share around our love of Christ. Church was happening, though only in our small home. We packed the kitchen and living room. Eventually we made room in the living room for all of us, while kids played downstairs. Wow! What fun fellowship. We share our thoughts over the past weeks, things the Lord has been doing in our hearts & lives. We shared about "walls" we have run into, while sharing other struggles as well. A friend brought his new custom made guitar - a gift from an unknown doner. He shared a song & we all joined in. The presence of the Lord filled the room & touched our hearts & lives. Joy broke forth & we found ourselves thanking Him for all He is doing in our midst. It was an evening of such closeness in so many ways. What a blessing to have such friendships! Today I am thankful! Today in the silence of the day - I rejoice in Him and in friends.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pauses to be thankful

Wow! You have one day of fun and find another to stop because of the sorrow one feels. We were home one day and our little dog came out to see me. She all the sudden had a huge seizure which went on for a couple minutes. When it was over she got up and seemed fine. Still - it is just the next phase of her aging. She has been having mini-siezures for sometime now. She falls down lots of times a day, she falls off things - like our bed and we hope she does not hurt herself - once even went down our stairs, which was awful! You stop and have to consider how far to let things go. You cry thinking about the decisions and feel for your parents who have been through it before. Life is hard in these moments! It makes one identify with the fact that "creation" groans for something better. Yet, this is such a small thing in comparison with the suffering that goes on around us. Our neighbor had a friend commit suicide - and you stop and shed a tear for the loss of someone so young. It makes you get on your knees and share your heart with the "Creator". It makes you feel His heart for all that happens and how He longs to make Himself real to each one who cries.

Appreciating the moments

After two days away at a "Gals Night Out", which consisted of my closest "female" family members, I pause to think how wonderful it is to have the times to stop and create memories. We had a blast, out at a hotel, swimming in the pool, resting in the hot tub, eating out, watching DVDs we brought, getting a make-over from a friend, telling silly ghost stories late at night... not getting much sleep BUT WOW the fun memories! So much to record in the wonderful memories with my mom, my neice & my girls. Laying in the pull out sofa bed while my girls laughed so much and told such silly stories... my mom got laughing so hard she could hardly stop. All of us just enjoying each other's company and finding fun in each moment.

I stop pausing to thank my dearest friend for this opportunity. Thankful to friend to be able to leave the office with confidence, while throughly enjoying being away. Thankful for the PAUSE in what has been a very busy couple of months.

What an incredible day!