Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Traveling Giving Encouragement

Do you have friends who are wonderful at coming to your aid when you need some encouragement? I do and I love them dearly for it! I never thought of the Apostle Paul that way, yet I came across this verse...

Acts 20:2-3

He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece,where he stayed three months...

Paul was traveling, and what did people notice about him? The people noticed that he went "speaking many words of encouragement to the people." Wow! I appreciate just a quick couple of words from my friends, yet Paul was hallmarked with being a person who spoke many words of encouragement to those he came in contact with as he traveled. Instead of being a traveling salesman, he was a traveling encourager; (Pause.) a different picture than what I typically thought of Paul. Maybe it is because of the life he lived before Jesus knocked him off his horse! Once again it causes me to stop and have a moment of amazement at what the regenerating work of Christ does in the heart of a person. Paul had been known for a lot of things before he encountered Jesus. Encouragement would not have been on that list.

His life is quite a challenge to us in many ways. I think I will take up this one simple thing this summer and look for opportunities to speak words of encouragement to the people I meet along the way. How about you?

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