Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Morning Stop Points – A Reflection of Unfailing Love

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8, NLT

This is a verse that I hope will warm your heart as it does mine. It seems with so much going on in the world over the past months that this verse is like a cup of cold water on a hot day. It sure has been to me.


irst unfailing love, stands out and it reminds me that even if the circumstances around me or in my life seem difficult, that God’s love for me has not changed. He is totally unchangeable in His love for each of us. It may be that we feel dry or disconnected, but He is faithful to us. What a wonderful reminder to have each day as we wake.


nclination to listen is key. We listen when we hear our name. Here the writer requests to hear the Lord reminding him of His unfailing love each morning. His is putting himself in the position to listen. He wanted to hear the Lord speak, so he was focusing his attention to listen. It is important we cultivate hearts ready to listen. You will be amazed at what you hear and how much the Lord knows you and loves you.


emember  to look to the Lord and give Him time to guide my day. I don’t want to just bolt out in to the day without His guidance. It may be I am just heading out to work, but I want His guidance in what my focus is to be for the day. I also want myself to be ready to be “detoured” by Him if there is a someone to whom He wants me to reach out to and share His love in some way.


urrender myself and my schedule each morning. “Our mindset (for our day) should not be the prevalent one of taking God with us wherever we might go. It must be instead, that we join God in his mission.” (From Right Here, Right Now, by Alan Hirsch & Lance Ford.)  It means I give Him my life each day and I let Him be the one who is in charge. After 9-11 I became convinced of the importance of hearing the voice of the Lord and obeying it. If it is part of our daily practice, we can rest assured the Lord will guide our steps.


rust in the Lord can be a real challenge in the midst of difficult circumstances. If we keep guard over our heart and choose to keep trusting no matter what goes on around us, it keeps hope alive in our hearts. Hope is the key to having faith begin to grow. The Bible defines faith as the “certainty of things not seen.”  I have a piece of jewelry I have worn for years which reminds me to “hope.” For me this is a physical reminder of who I set my hope (trust) in each day. I get reminded when I put a shoe or sandal on before I leave the house.

These “morning stop points” are ones that are easy to take with you. If hope that even when the storms come, you will remember to keep the FIRST things first at the beginning of your day!

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